kombucha faq

What is Kombucha?

Kombucha is fermented tea, and it naturally contains probiotics and healthy organic acids. It has been consumed for thousands of years across countless cultures as a beverage that promotes health. A little tart and a little sweet, with just the right amount of bubbles, kombucha is a delicious natural treat!  

What are the ingredients in kombucha? 

Kombucha is made using 4 ingredients: water, tea, sugar, and a SCOBY.A SCOBY (stands for Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) is the culture that ends up turning sweet tea into kombucha, and it’s similar to what is used for fermenting real yogurt, kefir, and sourdough.

Where can I find PRO-B kombucha?

PRO-B Kombucha can be found at retail stores in the Karachi Lahore and Islamabad. Please find a list of our stockists at the bottom of the page . If you can’t find a store near you, place an order on the website and we will take care of the rest.

What are the benefits of  PRO-B kombucha?

Kombucha is a food, not a drug or a supplement. So it’s best to look at kombucha like you look at a bag of cherry tomatoes - delicious, natural, and makes you feel good. Of course, kombucha, like all fermented foods, naturally contain probiotics and healthy organic acids–and the science is strong around their benefit to our digestion and our bodies. In the end, try it and see how it makes YOU feel. That’s your best indication for what its benefit will be, beyond great taste!

What is a SCOBY?

A SCOBY (Symbiotic Culture of Bacteria and Yeast) is the culture used to turn sweet tea into kombucha. It’s a cellulose matrix of friendly bacteria, yeasts, and enzymes (probiotics) that will eat the sugar in sweet tea and in exchange make bubbles and healthy organic acids. It may look weird, but it’s totally natural–and it’s similar to what is used to make many fermented foods, like real yogurt, kefir, and sourdough bread!

How often should I drink kombucha?

Kombucha is a food, not a drug or a supplement. So it’s best to look at kombucha like you look at a bag of carrots–delicious, natural, and makes you feel good. When you look at it like that, you’ll realize there is no “right” amount or “wrong” amount to drink. Drink as much as makes you feel good!Some like a ½ bottle, some like a full bottle–some like 4 bottles! There is no rule here, as it’s a natural food.

What is the shelf life of kombucha?

Kombucha being a fermented drink is naturally preserved and lasts over a few months if properly refrigerated. We do specify a best before period of two months on our bottle. This does not indicate its expiry but a sweet period after which the live culture in our beverage will make it tart over time. While some people prefer their kombucha that way, most people have not acquired that tangy flavour. The only time we recommend not consuming the kombucha is when it has been left unrefrigerated for more than four days or left opened for a prolonged period of time.  

Why is my kombucha flat?

Some bottles can be more effervescent than others, but fewer bubbles does not mean anything is wrong with your kombucha. 

Is Kombucha Tea?

Kombucha is as much like tea as apple cider vinegar is apple juice…so NO, it’s not really thought of as a tea. It’s a fermented tea, and it tastes quite a bit different than tea. It’s cold, bubbly, and slightly tart/sweet. 

How can I reuse of recycle the bottles?

We do our best to consider sustainability at every stage of our production process, and we appreciate customers like you who also want to do their part. Unfortunately, we cannot accept empty bottles at this time, but we do have a few suggestions for repurposing them. PRO-B bottles make great tiny gardens, water bottles, and storage for chutneys, dried herbs, spices, etc. Have other repurposing ideas? We'd love to hear them.

Got something floating on top or settling at the bottom of your kombucha?

Kombucha is a fermented food, and in fermentation the cultures of probiotics like to form a cellulose matrix to live in (called a SCOBY). 
At PRO-B, we try our best to sift the cellulose/living culture out before we bottle the kombucha, but sometimes the cultures can make it through. It is a natural part of the brew and is not indicative of any contamination or spoilage. Many people consider it a "bonus" since it is arguably a higher dose of the 'good stuff.' Sedimentations occur due to natural settling fruit herb and vegetable remains which we use for our products. Simply strain or gently swirl before opening the bottle with caution.

What is your seasonal fruit flavour?

A  seasonal favorite made with cold pressed fruit juice that debuts according to the availability of the fruit in the market. 
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