

Aqua Kefir is a traditionally fermented water beverage, not a supplement or prescription. We like to view our bubbly, fermented beverage like you would yogurt or even your favorite fruit or vegetable: something wholesome and natural that helps you feel good. Naturally, PRO-B aqua kefir, like other fermented foods, contains healthy acids and living probiotics - both of which are key ingredients to a healthy gut! Most people drink aqua kefir for the great taste, to replace sugary sodas and because it makes them feel good. We hope you feel the same!

Benefits of Aqua Kefir

As we learn more about gut health, we learn that fermented foods are REALLY good for our gut microbiome. Once a food is fermented, it grows probiotic bacteria that our gut loves. Consuming more of these foods can improve digestion and boost immunity. Aqua kefir is fermented water full of probiotics. If you’re not into taking supplements then aqua kefir is a great way to get a dose of probiotics. Plus, you’ll do something really great for your body . Having the good bacteria in our tummy also helps us absorb the maximum amount of nutrients into our body because it’s able to breakdown properly. Our gut microbiome affects literally the entire body - its inflammation, mental state, immunity, and just EVERYTHING. Having more probiotic-rich foods (fermented foods like aqua kefir) can even improve your mood.

Why drink Aqua Kefir

PRO-B aqua kefir comes in wide variety of amazing flavors, all of them are unexpectedly good and super refreshing (you feel super fancy drinking it).
  • Gluten free, Dairy free and vegan
  • Replenishes electrolytes in the body.
  • Great source of organic B1, B6 and B12 vitamins.
  • Helps improve asthma and allergies.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Lowers the risk for infections and slows cancer cell growth.
  • Great for the skin.
  • Helps production of serotonin and lowers stress levels.
  • Helps with weight loss.
  • Ant-inflammatory.
  • Removes toxins and free radicals from the body.


We really hope that our products give you a great gut feeling and make a little more curious about what you eat (and drink). Most of all, to to give you #healthyguts and try something healthy like your daily dose of aqua kefir . Besides, taking good care of our health is the best gift we can give ourselves considering our daily hard work.